12 Things Teachers Can Do to Help:

1.     Use pretask rehearsal

2.     Use practice tests

3.     Review task content before examinations

4.     Modifytasks, such as break them into smaller units

5.     Develop mnemonic devices to help recall

6.    Use “cognitive scripts” for students to use when taking tests or performing, these include positive self-talk, like saying to yourself “I can do this”, “I have plenty of time”, “take a deep breath” etc etc.  

7.     Relax grading standards or procedures if it is possible to do so without lowering performance criteria

8.   Recognize effort as well as performance

9.   Avoid criticism, sarcasm, or punishment for performance problems

10.   Use alternative forms of assessment

11.   Modify time constraints and instructions

12.   Emphasize success, rather than failure 


Huberty,T.J.(2008).Best practices in school-based interventions for anxiety and depression. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology: Vol. 5 (pp. 1473–1486). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.