Scrumpy in England
Hello, my name is Scrumpy and I am a 4 year old Golden Retriever from Somerset England. I moved to Utah in August 2009 and joined the Crescent View Middle School staff. I come to school Tuesdays and Thursdays to work with my owner, the School Psychologist, Mrs Bainbridge. I get to see kids who are having a "ruff" day, help relieve anxiety, and give affection to kids who could use a hug or a friend. I also play fetch with kids who need to build up their strength- or they tell me what to do to work on their speech goals. Many of the kids have donated blankets and stuffed animals for me to have at school, as I usually sleep in my office for much of the school day.  I love the kids and teachers at Crescent View and love to come to school.
